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Rubbing Strings is one of the Most Expressive Playing Skills In Violin Playing


Rubbing Strings is one of the Most Expressive Playing Skills In Violin Playing
Rubbing strings is a powerful means for players to express their feelings and emotions. When kneading strings, you should be relaxed and free, and your arms, wrists, finger joints and muscles are not tense or stiff. The seven words "wide, narrow, fast, slow, finger, wrist and arm" are the key to kneading strings. The four words "width, width and speed" constitute the basic way of kneading strings, namely, slow and narrow, slow and wide and fast and narrow, fast and wide. "Finger wrist arm" is the three force points of kneading strings. (1) arm kneading: the power of arm kneading comes directly from the whole forearm. You should be relaxed and not nervous. Your fingers should move

back and forth along the fingerboard and the strings, instead of shaking left and right. The back and forth can be fast or slow, and the swing is fast and slow, and the swing is slow. Don't hold the neck tightly with your thumb and forefinger. The more passionate emotions should be in the range of G string and low handle, and the arm should be rubbed more. (2) Wrist kneading: Wrist kneading should be light and natural, and the rolling range of fingertips on the string can be wide or narrow. Wrist kneading mainly relies on wrist vibration, which sounds euphemistic, and wrist kneading is the most commonly used in playing. (3) Finger-kneading: Finger-kneading means that the first joint of the finger should move "lightly" and "loosely", which is similar to the pressing of the erhu string. Usually, the pressed notes are grasped, relaxed, pressed, relaxed and rolled up and down at a very high position to obtain the effect of kneading.



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