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The Initiation Stage Of The Violin Is Crucial


The Initiation Stage Of The Violin Is Crucial

When practicing, you must be focused and serious. You should never play the violin while watching TV (this is called playing the violin, not practicing). Playing the violin in this way not only does not make it easy to practice the piano, but it also practices some irregular things, which are difficult to change at that time. For basic exercises, you must slow down when practicing empty strings, walk in a straight line with the bow, be steady, and have an even sound. Don't think that the empty string is too simple and there is nothing to practice, the quality of the basic skills of the empty string will directly affect the improvement of the technical level in the future. It's like a normal person who just learns to walk and can't walk well, walking with bent legs, when he grows up, he is not only a looped leg, but also definitely can't run fast, not to mention that he can't pass the

soldier, and the whole body of a person is not good-looking. The practice of empty strings, just like walking, should be good and steady and straight, which is the most basic and primary condition for playing the piano well. The scale practice is also a slow practice, a note and a bow practice, use your ears to listen to the pitch, but also to see the direction of the bow can not be crooked. Pay attention to the left-handed hand shape, practice the etude, first practice slowly, pay attention to the pitch rhythm, and use the bow with the left-handed hand. Wait until you have finished practicing and then resume your normal pace. To practice the music, you must first read the music carefully (note name, rhythm, pitch). Why do you need to read music first? Some students tend to only play the piano according to the score, watch the pitch of the score and practice according to the fingering, and ignore the name of the note, and the result is that the score is played very well, but they do not know the name of the score. Therefore, you must read the music first, so that you can play and sing. The first step of practice is to play the piece from beginning to end, and then select one or two difficult parts according to your situation, and then practice the difficult parts slowly. After the practice of the difficult parts is done, return to the original speed to practice, and then add expression exercises (strength, weakness, etc.), technical skills are the most important.



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