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Knowledge Of music Theory, Necessary For Violin Learning


Knowledge Of music Theory, Necessary For Violin Learning
The violin is five degrees parallel, and the two parts of the music are separated by five degrees in parallel.Since the fifteenth century, it has been stipulated in counterpoint and harmony that the appearance of five degrees of parallelism should be avoided.The violin subtracts seven strings in parallel, one of the ways of chord progressions.The seventh minus chord is composed of four tones stacked in consecutive minor triples, which is characterized by no clear tendency.Subtracting the seventh chord continuously without solving it is 'parallel subtracting the seventh chord'.Violin rhythm, the basic factors that make up the music are the height of the music, the time value of the movement

(including rest), and the strength of the music.What is manifested in terms of time value and strength, that is, the regular priority of music, is called rhythm.
Violin beat
A rhythmic sequence that appears regularly in the music.
Violin main tone
The center tone of the tone is called the 'main tone'.
Violin major music
The symmetry of polyphonic music and monotonic music.A kind of multi-part music.One part is used as a melody (tune), and the rest of the parts are set off by harmony.



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