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Practical Value, Artistic Value, And Collectible Value Of Violin


Practical Value, Artistic Value, And Collectible Value Of Violin

As the most popular stringed instrument in the world, the violin itself has three major values, namely practical value, artistic value, and collectible value.The so-called use value means that the violin can play a sound. The louder, more beautiful, purer, and more moving the sound, the higher the practical value; the so-called artistic value means that the violin can be used not only for use, but also for visual appreciation. The more beautiful, elegant, and exquisite the style, the higher the artistic value; the so-called collection

value, the violin, as a practical product and a work of art, has been skillfully played and unanimously recognized by the public. With the passage of time and the test, long-term use and careful maintenance of the violin will not only not depreciate, but will also appreciate greatly.The ancient violins in the world worth tens of millions of dollars are all handed down treasures that have been tested by the vicissitudes of time and the sharpening of life.The clothes are good for the new, and the musical instruments are good for the old.With the increasing shortage of natural resources around the world, especially wood resources, as long as it is a violin with high materials, workmanship, and sound quality, it will almost never depreciate after it is bought.


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