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The violin can be Seen in Italian Painting From the mid-16th Century


The violin can be Seen in Italian Painting From the mid-16th Century

The violin can be found in Italian painting of the mid-16th century, and the earliest violin known to have survived was produced in northern Italy in the second half of the 16th century. However, the vast majority of good violin makers work in three regions of Italy: Cremona, Brescia and Venice. At that time, however, it was not uncommon for

artisans to move across Europe. Often, due to economic circumstances, craftsmen are forced to relocate and take their expertise with them, thus helping artisans elsewhere to improve their craftsmanship. It is possible that Jacob Steiner first worked in Cremona and then returned to Austria. It was later thought that he had worked in Paris, London, and possibly Dublin. Violin making often revolves around a family workshop, where generations have been working on the proven results of the design, perpetuating their family name. The best of these families are Amati, Stradivari and Guarneri.


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