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Novices Learn To Practice The Violin Slowly And Slowly


Novices Learn To Practice The Violin Slowly And Slowly
For basic exercises, you must slow down when practicing empty strings, walk in a straight line with the bow, be steady, and have an even sound. Don't think that the empty string is too simple and there is nothing to practice, the quality of the basic skills of the empty string will directly affect the improvement of the technical level in the future. The practice of empty strings, just like walking, should be good and steady and straight, which is the most basic and primary condition for playing the piano well. The scale practice is also a slow practice, a note and a bow practice, use your ears to listen to the pitch, but also to see the direction of the bow can not be crooked. Paying attention to the left-handed hand and slowing down some bow speed before changing bows is very beneficial for developing the correct bow change movement, and it is easy for beginners to speed up the bow before changing the bow. It is easy to cause the movement to be out of shape, the appearance of "sawing wood" and "glissando", practice etudes, practice slowly, pay attention to the rhythm of the pitch, left-handed hand type, and use the bow. Wait until you have finished practicing and then resume your normal pace. To practice the music, you must first read the music carefully (note name, rhythm, pitch). Why do you need to read music first? Some students tend to play the piano only according to the

score, watching the pitch of the score and practicing according to the fingering, beginners play the violin, the movement of the fingers of the left hand has two noteworthy habits, we call it "monkey fingers" and "playing the piano", the so-called "monkey fingers" means that when they need to press a finger, they often press all four fingers together, this is because their fingers have no independent ability, they will only grasp like a monkey, so I call it ' The monkey's finger' ignores the sound name, and the result is that the score is played very well, but the sound name of the score is not known. Therefore, you must read the music first, so that you can play and sing. The first step of practice is to play the piece from beginning to end, and then select one or two difficult parts according to your situation, and practice the difficult parts slowly. After the practice of the difficult part is done, then return to the original speed practice, and then add the expression exercise (strength and weakness, etc.), and there is another situation, that is, they never keep their fingers on the fretboard, just like playing the piano, they raise their fingers after playing a note, so we call this "playing the piano". Keeping your fingers on the fretboard at the beginning stage is good for fixing your fingers, so I have always emphasized the importance of retaining your fingers.


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