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Violin Is Very Fun, Suitable For Children (3-4 Yars Old)


Violin Is Very Fun, Suitable For Children (3-4 Yars Old)
When children (3-4 years old) are just exposed to the violin, most of them prefer it.Qin, Qin Qin is more out of “curiosity” for children. He thinks the violin is very fun. In fact, he uses the violin as a toy. Therefore, he might carry the piano and drag the bow and run away. Sometimes he goes to his mother, sometimes he plays with the piano. In this case, it is inevitable that there will be random touching or random hitting with the bow, and sometimes even people with the qin may fall to the ground together.Therefore, when

children are just beginning to learn the qin, parents need to patiently preach and guide them, so that the child can establish a clear learning concept and make him love the violin from the heart.More importantly, the most effective method is that parents need to pay more attention to the qin as soon as the child picks up the piano. Once they find that the child may have damage to the musical instrument, they should persuade and stop it in time to prevent damage to the musical instrument.


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