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Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto In D Major


Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto In D Major
Painted in 1878. It is one of Tchaikovsky's most famous works, and is known as the world's four major violin concertos along with Beethoven's D major, Mendelssohn's E minor, and Brahms's Violin Concerto in D major.Since Tchaikovsky was inspired by Lalo's Spain Symphony, it is easy to see that there is a common idea between the two. This

violin concerto is a cheerful, lively, youthful work, which sings of youth, sings of life, and expresses the optimistic spirit of the Russia people. It was initially unpopular, but history has proven to be a unique musical masterpiece that has been performed on the music stage for a long time and has become a repertoire for many famous violinists.



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