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Stop Children When They Touch The Bow Hair Of The Violin


Stop Children When They Touch The Bow Hair Of The Violin

During the pause in the middle of qin practice, children's right hand often consciously and unconsciously grasps the bow, and their fingers directly touch the bow hair. Sometimes, although they don't grasp the bow, their thumbs often touch the bow hair, so that the sweat and oil on the fingers rub against the horsetail at the root of the bow,

and then they are glued together with rosin to form a layer of dirty and slippery black dirt, which is a common phenomenon.This kind of dirt will affect the pronunciation effect, and sometimes it simply slips and does not sound.If you rub more rosin, the result will be rough and torn pronunciation.Therefore, children should always be educated to take care of their bows and not to touch their bows with their hands in their free time.If you find that your child is touching the bow hair with his hands, stop it immediately, and tell the child repeatedly about the harm of touching the bow hair with your fingers. Once the bow hair is dirty, wash it (just wash it with soap and water.


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